Monday, January 29, 2007

I was just reading...

a friend's blog and realized that it has been quite some time since I've been on my own. So, here I am.

It's been a busy day at our house. Artwork encompassed the entire morning, leaving just enough time for math & reading this afternoon. We made clay and formed images from it to bake and, later, paint.

Have you ever known a child who did not like to create? I think it must be some innate trait we have. A result of being created in the image of God, who is the ultimate artist. Creativity is in our genes, you might say. The next time you feel like being creative, go for it. Enjoy the moment, the process, the result. It's in your blood!

Until next time....

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


My son got mad at me tonight. I went back to tuck him in bed. He was listening to stories on his CD player. It was really late so after the current story finished I turned it off. He has school tomorrow and I didn't want him to be tired and have a miserable day. I turned off the stories because I love him and I want what's best for him. He was mad and fussed. I told him I love him and wanted him to have plenty of rest for tomorrow. He told me he didn't want me to tuck him in. So, reluctantly, I left.

Why am I sharing this with you? Because I think I see a correlation between this occurrence and how we often respond to God. We want what we want and when God says "no", we get mad and send Him away. But why did God say "no"? Because He knows and wants what is best for us. When we send Him away, He goes. But He is always listening for you to call Him back. He loves you.

I was really sad when my son sent me away tonight. I wonder how much worse God must feel, knowing how much He loves us.

Something to think about....

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Quest

In case you were wondering...

The Quest a journey, but it is a journey with purpose. a searching, a grasping for that which seems just out of reach. a soul's yearning, a parched desert longing to be flooded in life-giving rain. the path I walk in this journey of life.

I invite you to join me on The Quest.

Through this site I will share my life and discoveries with you in various forms- short stories, poems, ponderings, experiences. Always, you are welcome to read, contemplate, respond. I only ask that you do so with kindness and respect- just as you would enjoy.

I look forward to spending time with you.