Monday, September 10, 2007

Well, it's now September... I thought I ought to make an appearance. Things are going fairly well. We're just about ready for the new school year to start- good thing since classes begin tomorrow!

I came down with a cold the middle of last week and I'm still recouping from that. I'd love to have another week before everything gets going, but it ain't gonna happen.

Looking over our fall schedule has me feeling a little, "aack, what have I done to myself!" School starts tomorrow, as does AWANA and possibly LIFE group (bible study). Christmas musical rehearsals are about to go full swing. We'll be adding in Kumon to the school schedule and "doing the Puyallup" on Wednesday. Plus, I will be working in the school office this year...if I can ever get my paperwork all finished (fingerprints, videos, background checks, W-4 (or is it W-2? I can never remember). I also have band practice about every other week. And in the midst of all this I'm supposed to do laundry, wash dishes and write. I have a nice colorful daily schedule printed out and posted on my door in hopes that it will help me to establish a routine - for school anyway. If we get that solid then I can figure out how to add in everything else (including this blog).

After reading back over some of my previous posts, I realize I've left a couple of things unfinished. So, those one or two of you who frequent my page, what would you have me finish? Anything? Spain? Mexico? More pic's from CA? Or should I just go on from here? If you have a preference let me know, otherwise I'm not sure what you'll get on this page. Random thoughts from a random person.

Gotta go for now. I'll try to pop back in, in a couple days. Later!


Unknown said...

What's wrong with random comments? It's your blog, go crazy :)

Thanks for the note. Yes, Starbucks is good anywhere you go. One reason I was focusing on them is I loaded up a card before I left so that I could marshal my cash and not drive my credit card crazy with charges all over the world.

Congrats on the gig with the schools, I hope that goes well. My big task of the moment is finding gainful employment down here. We're blessed that my parents have a place we can share and not feel cramped or like we are intruding, but one of our big reasons to move was to buy our own place. Should be exciting.

Aria was excited to look at Zak's site, I'm thinking of building one for her as well. I'll let you know if that happens. I'll go for now, but we'll be in touch.


What Would Jesus Glue? said...

Don't feel like you have to start where you left off. I echo Allen's advice. It's your can do whatever you want, whenever you want. Go with the flow. Fly, be free. Write. Just write.

Cassie said...

Thanks guys! I just didn't want to leave anybody hanging who really wanted to hear "the rest of the story."