Friday, October 19, 2007


Time is marching ever onward; it waits for no one.

There is no saying, "Hey! Wait for me!" or, "You go on ahead. I'll catch up."

No. Time goes on and drags you with it, kicking and screaming or stoically proceeding. It doesn't matter. You are going. And the question ends up being not where are you going, but how.

How have you spent your time this week? Have you enjoyed the people God has placed in your life, or have they been a nuisance? Did you take delight in the vibrant colors of the season, or grumble at the power outage? Did you savor the flavor of that morning latte, or were you disgruntled because the line was too long?

I know bad stuff goes on all the time, but there's good stuff, too. Time is in limited quantities. It will not go on indefinitely. My piano teacher used to say, "Each minute that passes is a minute we will never see again."

All I'm saying, I think, is that we need to be careful how we choose to spend the time we have. We have an eternal destination, but what about the journey there? If you take a road trip across the country to visit relatives, is that trip really all about the destination? Or is there important stuff that goes on all along the journey? (Of course, the way some of you drive, it is all about the destination!)

Well, I've been accused of being idealistic before. I suppose that's what I'm being now (not to mention the fact that I'm half asleep). I guess when I look at the falling leaves, I like to see the colors and not the death. What can I say?

God, help me with my own attitudes. Help me to remember the journey and not just the destination.

Abundant Life.

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