Friday, July 13, 2007

Hello! Hello!

I'm back! The trip was fabulous (except for one incident which I may or may not relate to you later). I am in the process of learning how to put photos on my web page. Soon as I get that figured out, I'll have bunches of pictures to show you.

In the meantime, I hope you're having a wonderful summer, just as we are. I am getting started on a children's story (something along the lines of Magic Treehouse meets Magic Schoolbus). I have also been inspired to see things thru the eye of a lens (camera, that is) and have some interesting angles to show you (once I figure out how). I am also working on finishing up last year's school yearbook/scrapbook for Zak, and preparing the coming year's book.

Oh, and check out my new link "Zakary Online". The dear boy has his own web page now, complements of "Dad". He looks forward to adding stories and pictures as he is able (and as parents are available to help.) Way cool!

That's all for now. I'll get back to the Spain saga soon, but I bet you'd like to hear about my most recent adventures first (San Diego, Mexico, LA).

I look forward to being back with you all!

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