Thursday, July 26, 2007

Well, I was gonna post some more photos, but...

I was just blessed with a "new" computer (yay!!) which is of a different ilk than the previous, and my photos (and everything else) are still on the other computer. So I guess that'll have to wait.

Tonight was fun. We (being about 25 members of NW Church) got together for a read-thru of what will be this year's Christmas program. It was fabulous! (Kudos, Jeff!) Very fun music - lots of toe-tappers. The story is one that many will relate to. For me, it says something about how the True Christmas really gets lost in all the trappings and glitz and glimmer, the shallow and hollow promises that commercialism offers. Christmas is found when all of that is gone and you realize He has been there, quietly, all along, you just failed to recognize (or remember) Him.

Anyway, the story speaks of a boy's search for Christmas after it has come up missing. It is a charming story and I hope you will all be there (at the performance) to find out what happens. It's a very interesting and worthwhile journey.

Well, that's all for now. I gots to get to bed.


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