Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Spain 1

Okay, so I've been asked to talk about what happened in Spain that so greatly impacted my life. Rather than try to articulate events which occurred nearly 15 (gulp!) years ago, I've decided to actually take you there. Over the next several days I will post entries from my travel journal (unless you tell me you've had enough) so that you can read what my thoughts were at the time. Hopefully that will give you some idea of the how, what & why that I occasionally refer to.

Keeping in mind the preceding events of the canceled Honduras trip, which I am convinced God orchestrated, the story unfolds with this first, pre-trip entry, dated 5/31/1992:

To Spain

Shall I tell you my feelings, my thoughts as I prepare to embark upon this journey to a distant culture?

People say, "Wow! I bet you're excited! That sounds like fun; you're going to have a great time...." In fact, my feelings are a bit contrary to what most would expect...quite a bit contrary.

"Do I want to go?" Yes. "Am I looking forward to this trip?" Decidedly. However, at the same time, I approach this experience with caution.

I know I will change. I know things back home will be different upon my return. I know it will hurt. I know I will be challenged.

So why am I going? Because I need to change; I need to grow...that always comes with some pain. I need to have challenge to spur me on to greater quality of life, true life. I need this experience to help others see, near and abroad, what I already know in my heart to be true. I need to better define this truth within my own life that my life may truly become my "spiritual act of worship" toward God; that I my become salt in the most sincere of ways; that my heart may become as God has intended it, me, to be from the beginning.

Why am I going? I love God and want to be like Him in all my ways...and I love the adventure that living with God never fails to bring.


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