Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Spain 16

Wow. Where has the week gone? The following entry was written 7/08/92.


Interesting night last night! Walking back to the Parker's with Susan [16 yr old Taiwanese girl and member of the team] and the puppets I noticed the sky getting darker. Storm clouds were building. Oh great. "You know why this is happening, don't you?", I said to Susan.

We had literature distribution this afternoon and it went pretty well. I went through a section with Jasmine & Lezlie. Most people we told about the movie that was available were interested in coming; the kids were really excited. It was to be in that section of town- the same one we're going to tonight for a puppet show.

"Prince, if we're gonna have that movie tonight we'd better pray," I pointed to the darkening sky.

"Yeah, looks like we're about to get attacked."

It figures. This is the 3rd time we've tried to show a movie. Something always happens. The first time we saw part of one but couldn't finish it because the family whose electricity we were using had to get up really early. The second time the people wouldn't cooperate and allow it to be shown. Now rain.

Bueno. After cena [light dinner], we went to the church to pray and get ready for the movie [which urges people to have faith in Christ]. Know what? God moves through the prayers of His people!

Pretty soon we were hearing thunder. We packed up the car (our only car) with the movie stuff and folletas [pamphlets] and went to our chosen wall anyway. [The movies are shown outside in the streets up against any available wall. Electricity to run the projector is borrowed from a family in the neighborhood.]

Dark clouds. We get the thing set up and about 2 minutes to starting time we felt the first drops fall. Soon there's no mistaking it- it's raining.

We put the stuff under as much shelter as we could find. I was praying like mad. "God push back the clouds of darkness, both physical and spiritual so that people can know your truth."

Others were praying, too, for certain. About 5-10 minutes later the rain slackened and then stopped. "Yay, God!" It sprinkled a few more drops then quit altogether.

We set the stuff back up. I tell ya, I didn't pay much attention to the movie; I was praying and praising God the whole time!

Pretty soon the sky began to clear; stars began to appear. The movie and testimony of Prince went off with no problems. There were quite a few from the neighborhood around who stayed for the whole thing- including a group of high school aged kids. God be praised, people are starting to open up.

We, the girls, got back to our apartment. We were home 5-10 minutes when 'click' all the lights went out. No electricity. Great. Somebody tried to take a shower. No hot water. Greater. The electricity and the gas went out at the same time. What are the odds of that happening?

What did we do? Praised God for our victories, prayed, finished our snacks and went to sleep peacefully. (Prince & Caleb helped us make things right again this afternoon).

Somebody's been throwing rocks again...but Daddy is in control.

Do you know what else? Prince told us that, "It's not supposed to rain in Daimiel. It never rains here in the summer!"

I see a few clouds in the sky right now. Maybe we should start praying again.


Sunday, March 25, 2007

Spain 15

Tonight I'll relay a couple of stories that were told to me. I thought the concept was pretty interesting. This is a continuation of the previous posts of 7/6/92.


Prince and Art Garcia were discussing the territoriality of demons. It seems to be scriptural if you look at the book of Daniel. Here are a couple of examples they gave:

1) There is a stretch of highway somewhere between Daimiel and Madrid. This road is straight with no obstructions or anything, but there is always somebody getting in an accident there. Many people have been killed, for no apparent reason, even on nice days.

2) They mentioned a certain place, in South America I believe, where there is a town that exists on both sides of the border between two countries. One country was open to receiving the Gospel; the other was not. You could tell which country you were in just by crossing the street. On one side of the street people would accept the books and tracts they were handed; on the other side they would not. A guy on one side of the street would refuse the literature, but after crossing the street he would accept!


I still think it's an interesting thought. I know this entry is short, but the next one I think will be pretty long so I'm gonna close this out for tonight. Do you want me to introduce you to some of the group I was traveling with, or should I just continue on with my experiences? Of course, some of the experiences I'll mention aren't all that "spiritual" and do include group members.

Until next time...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Spain 14



All the missionaries and local Christians have told us how hard the Spaniards are, how opposed and atheistic. But in this first week, we have seen hearts begin to open. People stand around actually listening to the street messages, testimonies, movies, songs.

There were three Arabs, Muslim men, who came to the church to talk with Prince; three Muslims seeking a Christian to discuss God and the Scriptures! When have you ever heard of that happening?

I look out at the crowd of people and then I look up to the stars. My heart is crying out, O God! For the sake of the children, Father, for the sake of the children touch the hearts of the parents...the Kingdom of Heaven is made up of such as these!

You want more evidence of the authority and working of God?

Lezlie had been praying about some specific concerns, privately. God reassured her by speaking through three different people. At different times during our prayer sessions someone would come up and place a hand on her, pray, then give a message from God concerning exactly what Lezlie had been praying about! And it's not like Lezlie's prayers were overheard. She was praying quietly to herself, in English, hand over her mouth. One gal who approached Lezlie doesn't even understand English.

Truly our God is an awesome God! And worthy of all glory and honor and praise! His reign is for all eternity!


I was just looking at how many pages are left in my notebook. I hope you're all enjoying this story because we've got a loooooong way to go!


Spain 13

Sorry to leave you hangin' guys! It's been a crazy couple of days. I'll pick up where we left off last time...

7/6/92 cont'd

There is much power released from God through the prayers of His children. I have tasted of that power. Beyond "Thank you, Lord, for answered prayer," into the realization of His absolute power and authority over all.

The point was mentioned that we, as Christians even, have no rights. We have what we have because of the grace and mercy of the Almighty God. And what a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God! His love has covered us from His wrath as we have come to the point in our individual lives where He is able to accept us since we have now been covered, or cleansed, from our unholiness. For what is sinful cannot dwell in the presence of what is holy and pure.

I spoke of the power of prayer. The Spirit of God moved among the congregation yesterday morning. Voices cried out to God, praises lifted higher and higher... and then the singing stopped (for all this was taking place during the song service before the lesson began).

I had my eyes closed most of the time, praying and praising within my heart, singing what words I knew. As the last song ended, suddenly there was someone beside me. Prince. He put his hand on my head and the instant he did, I felt the power of God so strong! He began to pray for me and as he did so I felt my heart would burst it was so full! I felt as though God were blessing me through the hand of Prince much like the fathers of old blessed their children. Many of the words were intercessory, but I know I received an affirmation from God that day. I have been accepted by Him as His child, His daughter.

All I could do was bow my head, raise my hands, and open my heart.


I don't know if you've ever felt anything like that before. It was both frightening and exciting. A frightening realization of how incredibly huge and awesome God is and what insignificant "pond scum" I am. Exciting because of the affirmation of knowing He loves me. I am significant in the eyes of God and what better place is there to be? I wish I could adequately describe the feeling that moment brought, physically, emotionally, spiritually. But, maybe some of you know what I'm talking about.

I'll try to post more tomorrow. Nighty-nite!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Spain 12

Okay, where was I? Oh yeah. Here we go...



Missed my nap yesterday. I had, literally, just lay down when Lezlie came out. "It's 5:58!" We had to be at the Parker's at 6:30 and everybody was still asleep.

The service [church] was great! Great lesson. Great worship. A lot of fun! I understood most everything, surprisingly enough.

Prince is very interesting to listen to. He has very thought-provoking viewpoints and I think I agree with most everything I've heard so far.



I received a blessing from God yesterday.

So much has happened in this first week here; so much I've learned with little to no time to write about it. I stayed home from the swimming pool today (our day off) to try and catch up on all that has taken place. Bear with me as I try to relay my memories.

Basic Run-Down of the Daily Schedule (varies):

6-7am wake up call/ morning showers (3 people)
8:30 breakfast at the Parker's
9:30 at church for prayer & bible study
12-2pm literature/tract distribution (we walk door-to-door in pairs)
2pm at the Parker's for lunch
3:30-5 home for chores/ siesta
5:30/6 at church for prayer, then more literature distribution
7:30/8:30 cena (light dinner), then worship at church (varies)
9/10pm street work (showing movies, preaching, singing, puppet shows)
12-2am bedtime, night showers (3 people)

I'll have to try to write in another place all the very interesting things I've been learning or hearing from Principe. I do, definitely, want to get them down. His lessons have been very intriguing.

Prince's childhood nickname is "Rocky" because he was always rocking himself. He still does. Let me tell you, it's a joy to watch this man pray! No inhibitions about praising God! It took some getting used to. To describe him I'll use his own words as best as I remember, "To the evangelical I'm pentecostal; to the pentecostal I'm evangelical."

I've always been put off by the "hallelujah, praise God, raise your hands, shout to heaven" stuff. It's always seemed really hokey to me; people walking around with dreamy looks on their faces....

This is different. It's not hokey. It's real.

When I look at Prince I see a little boy yelling, "Yay, Dad!" I see a battling soldier crying out for victory as though already won. I see the reality of spiritual warfare, the tangibility of the spirit realm.

This is no joke. This is no game.

The Spirit of God is here, different and more powerful, more real than I have ever before known. Things I've thought, but have never been taught I am now seeing with my own eyes.

God protect me lest I go astray. We are in the thick of battle here. Pray with us. Pray for us. Pray for the children, especially of Daimiel. And God, I pray for the churches who, like frogs, are sleeping in a pot of water, slowly starting to boil. God, Father, wake us up!

There are a few more pages in this entry so I'll divide it up and post it over the next couple days. Feel free to share your thoughts with me as I take this trip down memory lane!

Until next time...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

As the Wind Blows...

As the wind blows across the ocean waves
so my prayer goes up to You.
Oh God, why have you done what you have done?
The sorrow you must feel is more than I can bear.
The mist and spray mingle with the tears in my heart.
My pain is great, Oh God, but yours so much
Yet together we go on; each with our sorrows, each
with our joys.
So great is your love for me;
so great is my remorse for having spurned
that love so often, unjustly.
Forgive me, Oh God, is what I pray and always
that is just what you do.
For you are molding me, Lord, molding me to be just
as you have ordained from the beginning.
It hurts sometimes, God, hurts us both. But I know,
and you know, that this pain is only temporary,
and it will pass away.
But in the meantime, Oh God, let us walk these
shores together, growing closer in Love.
And one day, when this world and its pains are
gone, we shall walk the shores of Heaven,
hand in hand, for that is how it should be; that
is how you have ordained Life to be; joyous,
full of fun and laughter.
And that is how it will be; Father and child,
Brother and sister...friends.

copyright Cassie Landrum

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Spain 11

7/01/92 cont'd

The 2 hr drive to Daimiel didn't seem all that long. Of course that's not too surprising with hours and hours of flight time behind us.

Prince did his best to keep us awake, talking non-stop in both english and spanish. What he had to say was very interesting, like how the Church (mostly in the states) is like a sleeping baby, or like a frog in a pot of water. The water slowly reaches the boiling point but the frog never notices.

I still had a hard time keeping awake. With not much sleep in the last couple of days to begin with, then 11-12 hrs air time, an 8 hr time change...I still felt like the ground was moving beneath me, the walls around me.

"What's that?!", I heard Lezlie exclaim. I turned toward where she was pointing. Looming on the horizon was an ever-nearing, very large, ominous silhouette. Solid black with horns.

Now, what you have to understand is 1) we were completely exhausted and 2) Prince had just been telling us of spiritual warfare, witches, etc. You can imagine how startled we were to see that image suddenly appear before our bleary eyes. It turned out to be a billboard of a bull.

Well, I managed to stay awake until a little after 10pm. My head hit the pillow and I was "out like a light" (which happened to still be on).

Don't think I didn't say a prayer first, though. It's my understanding that spiritual warfare of the not-so-subtle kind is prevalent here and all over Spain. Apparently Ricardo (Richard, part of the AF group) had an encounter the night he arrived with the rest of the group. I'm told Daimiel is called the "city of the witches". There's a population of about 18,000, though by looking you'd never know due to it's small town appearance.

So, I prayed. And I reminded God that He promised not to allow more than we can bear. I went to sleep under an angel (a picture on the wall which I somehow felt might be representative of the real thing).

Aside from a couple of noises around 7 or 8am (rising time for the rest of the group), I slept the sleep of the peaceful dead until noon. I could've slept longer, but I didn't because I knew I would oversleep if I did. We were due at the Parker's at 2pm for lunch. Gina, Prince's wife, is a good cook.

Now is siesta time, which begins with lunch and goes till about 5pm. The main activities are eating and sleeping...which is precisely what I intend to do very soon. I'm still really tired, but at least my world isn't trembling and rolling around me much anyway.

We have a church meeting tonight. I'm really looking forward to listening to Prince's lesson. I've heard some of his viewpoints in english - very interesting. Now I have to grapple at understanding in spanish. Although, I have been doing better than I thought I would.

More later. Nap time!


Sunday, March 11, 2007

A sidenote...

In class today, we had a thought-provoking discussion on what it means to be truly thankful, and for what. I ran across the following quote a few minutes ago. I like it.

"When you arise in the morning,
give thanks for the morning light,
for your life and strength. Give thanks
for your food, and the joy of living.
If you see no reason for giving thanks,
the fault lies with yourself..."

Tecumseh - Shawnee

Beyond being thankful for the "stuff", deep within the core of our beings, we need to appreciate that every good and perfect gift is from God. Food, shelter, family, sure...but what about color? texture? taste? experiences of life that bring about growth, character, understanding? All these things we take for granted that really are gifts to be held with the utmost awe and joy. Gifts given in love, with hope of being appreciated. Anticipation of joy and discovery- the Gift-giver's anticipation. He has made every effort to create the perfect gift for you, right down to the most minute detail; a true labor of love. And He awaits your reaction to His lavish generosity.

Will you even notice all He has done...just for you- and not the generic "you", but YOU, specifically. How often have we brushed His gifts aside, with nary a glance, if we noticed at all.

It may be time, past time really, to stop and take stock of all your many blessings. Make a quiet moment, sit down and write out a list. Take inventory of all He has given you. You may be surprised. Personally, I think I could write this list non-stop for the rest of my life and never be finished, so great is His love for me.

Spain 10

This one's pretty long, too, so I'm gonna split it into two posts. We actually get to Spain in the next case you were wondering. :)


We flew out from LA at 9:00am on the 29th (an hour late). We arrived in Madrid at 10:00am (45 minutes late- our connecting flight was also late).

The connection out of Newark, NJ was late because the plane was still refueling. A fuel gage broke and had to be replaced so the refueling could be finished.

The pilot hit a bump on the way up and jarred one of those oxygen mask compartments loose. It came down in front of a family across the isle from me. About one minute later the captain, probably having no idea this had happened, turned off the no smoking sign. My immediate thought was, "Hmm. oxygen + lit cigarettes = big boom.

The stewardess came by and told the guy not to touch the masks (pulling on them begins the oxygen flow) so of course he kept playing with the elastic string! I imagine he was just trying to keep it out of his wife's face, but it made me nervous.

Well, aside from that, the flight was uneventful. I'll have to continue my saga later. Time to get ready to go.


Let's see, where was I? Oh yeah!

Well, obviously the airplane didn't explode and we set down in Madrid 45 minutes late or so.

We got through customs with, literally, no questions asked and finally found our luggage. Then Lezlie and I stumbled out into the main lobby only to find no one we could recognize. We found a couple of chairs, sat down and waited...and waited...and waited...and..."Okay, let's go to the 'meeting point' since we're late. Maybe he is waiting there." 'He' being Prince Parker, Lezlie's cousin, who is the missionary in Daimiel.

So, we went to the "meeting point". No one there. We checked the message board. No message. We went back to the "punta de encuentra" (meeting point). I sank into the chair next to Lezlie. "Let's call the Garcia's," she said.

The Garcia's are another missionary family based in Madrid. It was possible Prince was there.

Lezlie called and called but could not get through. "So, should we hop a train to Daimiel like we discussed with Prince earlier?"

Daimiel is located about two hrs SW of Madrid. Gas over here is about $4.00 per gallon - and you thought it was expensive in the states! A person can't afford to go to the airport everyday. The rest of the team arrived a day ahead of me and Lezlie. Apparently something had worked out though, because Virgil (head of AF) said he had arranged for Prince to pick us up. At this point, however, we were beginning to wonder if there hadn't been some miscommunication.

We were sooo tired we asked some lady at the counter if there was a room we could rest in for a while (sometimes airports have things like that available). She seemed horrified that we would even consider it. Apparently they highly frowned upon sleeping transients.

We discussed the possibility of locating a youth hostel somewhere, and sleeping till morning. We called Virgil (back in LA) for his input. "Stay put!", he said. "Call back in 30 minutes."

Well, by this time it was around 2:00pm. It was all we could do to keep our eyes open. We sat there resting our heads on our sleeping bags, looking very much like a pair of homeless waifs.

Lezlie looked up when some guy walked by. He was two feet away and staring at me before my eyes focused enough to recognize him. Art Garcia. We were standing up to greet him when around the corner came Prince and daughter, Genesis.

Thank you Father, for rescuing us! There had been a mix-up in flight information. The really amazing part of this story is that neither Art nor Prince knew the other was coming, and yet they arrived at the same time, of their "own" accord.


To be continued....

Friday, March 09, 2007

Spain 9

Hang on to your socks! This next one's a doozy!



...Then there's the misbehaved boy who, having been denied permission to do the mischief he desired, began throwing rocks through the windows....

Tomorrow morning, Monday, we leave for Spain. This has not exactly been an uneventful stay in Los Angeles (city of the angels?).

Lezlie and I have been very busy overcoming, first of all, misgivings about the group (they have different ways of praying and worshiping God than we are used to). Secondly, trying to raise support. God has been good in raising up people to help. Lezlie is now $400 short of her goal; I am $1000, with unknown amounts coming in.

It came down to us praying over, thinking over, and finally signing a contract with AF promising to make full payment within 6 months of our return from the trip.

While in Woodlin Hills, preparing for LA, Lezlie discovered she had packed her passport too well for her move to California. The day we left for LA she found it.

We got here and were told that unless we each came up with at least $1000 more we couldn't go. Not only did God give us the payment contract, but funds have been coming in from various people and places.

Then Lezlie's pack came up missing - complete with passport, money, immunization record...God allowed that to be found 2 days later.

Friday afternoon, I was going stir-crazy, having not spent much time outside in the last few days. I decided to go for a walk. Lezlie came too. The first two blocks were interesting as we, being female, drew attention and comments from four different sources. Walking on the USC campus was nice, however.

Soon after returning to the house, 1-2 hrs later, we went up to the 3rd level to sit on the balcony. That's when we heard a couple of guys walking by and talking about a party that was to occur that night.

And what a party it was! About a block away, it was so loud I could just about hear every word. Loud music, loud cars.... Around 11pm I tried to go to sleep anyway.

It was a fitful night of "rest". Then around 3am I awoke to find Naima [my AF roommate] leaping out of bed to call the cops.

I was still laying in bed trying to go back to sleep, but I noticed the voices were louder and closer. And then, with Naima still on the phone, we heard shots fire.

Against my better judgment, I let human curiosity take over and went to the window to check things out.

What I saw was a rapidly growing mob of about 30 people, across the street & kitty-corner to the house. They were yelling, beginning to fight, blocking traffic. Two guys were beating on another, car horns were honking...!

I had sudden visions of being caught in the middle of a mini-uprising. With past tensions, who could help but think of the Rodney King incident [about a year before].

Three different people from the house called the cops, who finally came, ordering everyone out. There were about 4 or 5 cop cars. Most everyone cleared out, including the cops, but a growing handful remained. A single patrolling car drove by the crowd, sped on, then returned with the other cars, threatening to jail those refusing to leave. Soon the street was clear, but I still didn't rest real easy.

While all this was going on, we were hanging out in the shadows, praying and praying and praying.

So I was pretty tired when I went to bed last night around 10:30pm. At around 11:45pm Naima came in to pack [most of the group left the day before Lezlie & I]. I tried to sleep even with the lights on, but she suggested I go downstairs so as not to be disturbed.

So I went down to join Lezlie...who still had her light on, studying. I dropped my sleeping bag on the floor and went to the bathroom. When I go back we turned the light out. I crashed hard.

After a time, I started into semi-consciousness feeling like someone was rocking my bed...then I remembered I was sleeping on the floor! I sat up trying to figure out where I was. The clock read 4:48am. Then I heard Lezlie ask, "Is this an earthquake?" Aha! Yes. We got into the doorway and leaned there, against the frame, rocking with the motion. Lezlie mentioned feeling, "Please God...I just want to go back to sleep. I'm so tired." I don't know that I was thinking much of anything, but it was along those same lines. Neither of us was afraid.

It seemed a long time before the rolling stopped. We stayed a few minutes to be sure it was over, then back to bed. "Eventful weekend for you, huh?", a voice, Gwen's, called from upstairs. Yeah.

Lezlie and I talked for a few minutes- about God, about Satan, about faith, about a "mischievous boy".... We prayed, praised, sang, went to sleep. Sort of. We had to get up in a little more than an hour anyway.

Later we turned on the little portable radio/tv to hear the report while getting ready for church. 7.4 out of Yucca Valley! Wow! 8:00am or so, I'm in the middle of shaving my legs [I was dressed] when the 2nd one came. It was every bit as strong as the first quake. I took my razor to the doorway and kept on shaving...didn't even cut myself!

I did discover that a lot of people in the neighborhood have car alarms!

"Eventful weekend"? Sure has been. Faith-building, praise-growing. And we haven't even left the country yet!

The "misbehaved boy"? You guessed it; our unforgettable enemy, the devil.

We don't think he's real happy about us going to Spain. He's been trying to dissuade us. If he did, indeed, go to God for permission to do us harm, he didn't get it. So, he's been throwing rocks.

But God cares for those who love Him. And even if He doesn't protect us from physical harm, like the prophets of old, we cannot, I cannot, disregard His righteousness, His holiness, the hold I have allowed Him to have on my life.

God is far too majestic, far too powerful and awesome for me to be disobedient, to regard lightly...and yet the struggle continues, as does the spiritual battle around.

Through God alone we are granted our hope, our lives, our beings; through Christ alone we are granted victory for eternity! God be praised! He is worthy!

PS We're in the middle of South LA, right? What do we hear in the wee hours of the morning but a rooster crowing! Right.

If you're gonna praise God, you can expect the devil to get mad. Be prepared for disaster and praise God anyway!


Spain 8


The lack of finances is a common malady of missionaries. Do we wait for finances to back us up? Or does faith need to come to full employ at this time so that we may continue on irregardless of situational & financial stress?

Just what is included in good stewardship? And how do you couple that with stepping out in faith? These are questions to be grappled with. As of yet, for me, the answer remains obscured.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Spain 7

Are ya bored yet?


Day two at AF Center.

Interesting place. I don't know that I agree entirely with Rev. Amos, but I have met some wonderful people here. Very servant-oriented.

Laundry was interesting today. Linda took Lezlie & I to the laundromat. That was fine. .50 per load today- normally .75. We didn't have time to dry them there because we had to get back for dinner. So we hung them on the line at the center. It got too late to leave them there so now they're hanging from various places of the bedroom, including the balcony! Amusing sight- I hope none fall off!

Lezlie & I were informed today that unless we came up with another $1000. each, minimum, we would not be going.

Panic time! Well, not panic exactly, but we sure have been wracking our brains.

I sat out on the porch for a few minutes this afternoon, just watching the people go on with their lives. I prayed.

Father, this is your mission. If you want us on it, I trust that you'll get us there. We'll do what we can. We trust you with the rest. Father, your will be done....

I have no doubts that the money will come if God chooses to send us there. God does not work by man's schedule, but by His ultimate wisdom.

This is a lesson in patience and faith.

I may learn more than I bargained for this summer.

Remember that God uses people to answer prayers. Be an answer to someone's prayer today.

Father, touch peoples' hearts (including my own); change them, mold them, prepare them. Thank you for who you are. All glory & praise to you. Amen


Monday, March 05, 2007

Spain 6

Ok, so this is a long one, but it was a long day. A really long day. Here goes....


What a day!

With my sleeping bag pulled over my head, I failed to see the rising sun and so I did not rise...until 10am!

Lezlie and I left at 12pm, too late for her hair appointment so we went to get our gamma globulin shots. A simple matter (so we thought).

Our appointment was for 2pm. I called and verified with a woman who spoke more Chinese (Japanese?) than English. Tried to get the appointment pushed back to 2:30pm. That didn't work. "Can you come tomorrow?" No. We're leaving tonight. We can't get in at 2:30? "No. We are full. Can you come tomorrow?" I have an appointment for 2pm....

Anyway, we left. Walked to the bus stop. HOT sun!! Caught the 161 (after waiting about 15-20 minutes) and rode down a couple blocks to where the driver said we needed to transfer. "The bus (245) will be along shortly." I'd hate to see his idea of long! 45 minutes later, 245 comes rolling along.

That driver was a real jerk! Started off on some poor lady because she didn't understand what he was saying about the fare & transfer. But that's another story.

No problem finding Dr. Hang's office. We arrived at 1:45pm to find the place locked. Out to lunch, I guess. Sure enough, at 2pm the door opens. We filled out the paperwork and went back to the little room (2:10). At 2:30 we're still sitting there. I'm beginning to wonder if we, along with our charts, have disappeared into some black hole or something. And some middle-aged asian man keeps walking back & forth in the hallway, smiling and whistling a merry ole tune. Yah, easy for you - you don't have somewhere to be at 3pm! Hey, are you the doctor or what?!

No, I didn't really say that, but I wondered. About that time I decided I needed to remind the receptionist of our existence. "It won't be much longer. He's just down the street now."

Just down the street? He's not even here?

I went to the bathroom. I emerged to find Lezlie in the hallway with our papers and the receptionist.

Down the hall, 2 doors to the right. Different office. I think the receptionist was just as irate with Dr. Hang as Lezlie and I. She sent us to someone else for the shots and called to let them know we were coming. "Okay," they said.

So there we went. New office. Same building.

The receptionist there? "I'm sorry. I'm new. I was wrong. You are new patients so you have to schedule an appointment. Then it will be $45 for the visit and $25 for the shot." Compare that to $30 at Dr. Hang's....Lezlie wanted to cry; I wanted to hurt someone. "I guess I'll take my chances with the hepatitis," said she. You should have heard the sudden inhalation of air coming from the two older ladies seated in the waiting room!

We went back in the hallway. Lezlie tore up our papers; I headed back to hang Dr. Hang. (Not the receptionist, mind you, she was very nice and helpful.)

"If Dr. Hang want to continue his practice, he'd better start thinking of his patients as more than an income!"

"I've been working here 12 yrs. and I keep trying to tell him that. If you told him I would be very happy."

I'm willing to do that!

Finally, he showed up - actually, just after we walked in the door.

Okay. We'll stay. Back to the little room. Might as well, we already missed Lezlie's hair appointment...again.

He walked in apologizing.

I had my sleeves rolled and ready.

He said something I didn't quite understand through his asian accent.


"Can I give it in your rump? Too much for shoulder. Don't want to cause pain."

Pain, you say? After this wait?

I didn't know whether to laugh or hit him. Lezlie wasn't laughing, but she was smiling awfully big.

"I'm a little irritated that it's now 3pm and our appointment was for 2pm!" (And I couldn't get it rescheduled for 2:30?)

He apologized again while Lezlie went a little bare, and mumbled something about the bank.

Lezlie and I just about burst out laughing. It's hard to be indignant and angry with your pants down! (Actually, it was more of a hip shot).

"So sorry for delay. Have a nice day!"

Have a nice day? Really?!

3:30pm we finally hit the bank. There was some mix up with Lezlie's account. Did you know that it's illegal to deposit money into your own account from out of state? Strange!

4:05 and we're on the street again, walking toward a 161. The sun is still hot!

Finally get to the bus stop and 45 minutes later here comes the bus with our favorite, sweet bus driver. He remembered us from yesterday.

Lezlie and I part ways on Ventura - she to the salon, I to the house. It's 5pm and we were supposed to be picked up at 4:30 [by someone from AF].

There's somebody asleep in a car in the driveway. "Hi. Cassie? I'm Linda...."

She follows me into the house, very sweet and friendly. I rush around with last minute packing then sit down to eat a leftover, too salty burrito.

Lezlie, where are you?

I envision her sitting at a bus stop somewhere waiting and waiting and...there's something to be said for the Seattle bus system!

She finally made it back and we left for LA 45 minutes later (around 8:40pm). We pulled into a 3-story house with a locked chain link parking area- the center for Ambassador's Fellowship.

My first impression? People seem a little too nice. "Praise the Lord!"

Well, it's now midnight and I have to get up at, ugh, 6:30am!

Thank you Lord for getting us here safely. Guide us these next 2 months. Please!


Sunday, March 04, 2007

Spain 5

June 22 finds us in LA, staying with Lezlie's friends. You'll also read the first mention of Ambassador's Fellowship, the group we went to Spain with. Sorry if you've been bored so far, but hang in there. The next few days were quite eventful. You'll laugh tomorrow!


Lezlie and I went on an adventure today, trying to figure out the buses (well, one anyway) of LA.

The morning started off with a zillion phone calls, trying to find bus routes and health departments.

The bus driver was very helpful. We caught the bus on Ventura and got off at Topango Plaza. Two street names I will never forget: Topango Canyon Rd. and Sherman Way.

We got off the bus searching for Sherman, on foot, walking and walking and...just 2 long blocks down, said two girls we passed. Boy, they weren't kidding! Found Sherman, decided finally (after looking at a bus map) which direction was East and turned accordingly. We walked some more, and walked, and...this isn't right. Where's the health department? Where's Remett Ave.? We turned around and went down another street. There's Sherman Way again! How'd that happen? Hey, look, there's a 7-11. Let's call for directions.

We zigged when we should've zagged. Walking, walking, walking, always walking. My feet are getting heavy. It's what time? 2:30! We were supposed to be there before this. Hey, there's the library! Is Remett around here? Two more blocks, you say? Short ones this time.

Finally, we reached the health department only to find:

A) They were done giving shots for the day
B) They don't do travel immunizations anyway!

They gave us the number of a doctor to try. We have an appointment so tomorrow we get to do the whole thing over again. All for one little poke in the arm to prevent a thing called Hepatitis!

A brief comment:

I have not been favorably impressed with Ambassador's Fellowship thus far; particularly with the seeming disorganizational skills and irresponsibility of [one individual]- a Reverend at that!

I think, were it not for Lezlie and her cousin, I would not be going.

I may not be going anyway. I have $1124 of $2700. This mission truly is in God's hands.

We need to have faith, yes, as the Reverend keeps saying. However, God gave us a brain and I honestly believe He meant for us to use it!

Well, I will say no more about this now. We'll see what happens.


Tomorrow...the trip to the doctor!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Spain 4

This next segment takes place in Fresno. Bet you're wondering if I ever get to Spain! A lot of stuff happened before I ever left the country. It may be the better part of the story. Well, maybe not....I landed in Fresno 6/18/92, the day before my friend & travel companion, Lezlie. Her mother picked me up at the airport. (Mind you, we had never met before. She found me, tho).

I wasn't going to give you this entry, but I thought my Arts Min friends might appreciate the topic.

We pick up 6/19/92:

Lezlie made it here okay. We spent the day with Mrs. Roach shopping for Lezlie. Afterward, she very graciously treated us to a movie: Sister Act. It's a Whoopie Goldberg film and very funny. Interesting in that the movie depicts how lives can change when influenced by God; change in values, in attitudes, ultimately in action/lifestyle.

What I found most interesting about the movie was a different message. A cry to the Church from the world.

The message I saw? If members/congregations as a whole will reach out to people where they are, in a way which is understandable to them, there will be a much greater response. Not that we should be in the business of "tickling people's ears". Speak the truth in love - but love comes in different forms. The same message can be written on different types of stationery.

God's message is for all. God reaches people; Jesus goes to people where they're at to spread truth in love. Can we do less? Less than our Discipler? Remember what a disciple is? One who conforms his/her life totally, completely, without exception to that of the Master.

Think about it. If you go see that movie, listen to the cry of the world to the Church. It wasn't a christian staff who created that film. The world is crying out for God...will we answer?


Friday, March 02, 2007

Spain 3



Quiet. Relaxing. Peaceful. Country pace.
Good place to be.
Time to breath deeply. Breathe of fresh air.
Time to regain focus. To look toward future. To sort through past.
Time to "Be still and know that I AM God."

Remember why you're doing this. Remember why you are here.


To love God; to learn how to love people...the way they need to be loved, the way we all need to be loved.

To grow closer to God. To mature in true Christian faith.

To learn to better relay my learnings to other people / people groups.

To experience another part of the world. Its culture, its language, its belief, its way of doing things, of living day to day.

I am here because I need to be. I need to grow...and so do you.

When one fails to grow death occurs. Painfully. Growing has pains as well, but for a higher purpose. Life.

Abundant. Pure. Joyous.
Discovery of the new, and the old.
Excitement. Adventure.


I spent a few days in Oregon, visiting family, before I left for Spain. Great place to do some reflecting.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Spain 2


My last Sunday at Northwest (Church) before we leave.

Someone asked me, "Are you scared?" My answer was no. I'm not scared to go....

Then I realized I am scared, but not of going to Spain. I'm really looking forward to this trip though I know it will be taxing.

I'm scared of the return. Will it be the same as last time? Will I have to begin once again? Or will the relationships pick up where they left off? I think not, save for perhaps one or two.

And how much will I change? How different will things be? Will my dog still love me?

Will my roommate really move back to Ohio? Will I need to find another place to live?

How much of what I deem valuable now will really hold importance once I return?

How different will I be? My viewpoints?

Will I be accepted upon return? How will people react to the changes in me? Will they understand? Will I understand when they don't?

I have a million questions with answers yet to be discovered. And yet another, "Will I be accepting of changes that inevitably will occur, both within and in circumstances without?"

Tough questions. One answer.

The scripture was read to me by Khoi: "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord." 1 Cor. 15:58

Sometimes you just have to do what you know you need to, no matter what else may happen. God will bless.

My heart is filled with gratitude and earnest desire for those who have pledged to pray for us. I will miss you all greatly.


Obviously, I had a lot on my mind while preparing for this trip. Reading this, it sounds like I'm planning to be gone for 2 years rather than 2 months!

I included this entry because it gives some insight into my thought processes at the time.

And in case you were wondering, my roommate did not move and my dog did still love me.

Until next time....