Sunday, March 25, 2007

Spain 15

Tonight I'll relay a couple of stories that were told to me. I thought the concept was pretty interesting. This is a continuation of the previous posts of 7/6/92.


Prince and Art Garcia were discussing the territoriality of demons. It seems to be scriptural if you look at the book of Daniel. Here are a couple of examples they gave:

1) There is a stretch of highway somewhere between Daimiel and Madrid. This road is straight with no obstructions or anything, but there is always somebody getting in an accident there. Many people have been killed, for no apparent reason, even on nice days.

2) They mentioned a certain place, in South America I believe, where there is a town that exists on both sides of the border between two countries. One country was open to receiving the Gospel; the other was not. You could tell which country you were in just by crossing the street. On one side of the street people would accept the books and tracts they were handed; on the other side they would not. A guy on one side of the street would refuse the literature, but after crossing the street he would accept!


I still think it's an interesting thought. I know this entry is short, but the next one I think will be pretty long so I'm gonna close this out for tonight. Do you want me to introduce you to some of the group I was traveling with, or should I just continue on with my experiences? Of course, some of the experiences I'll mention aren't all that "spiritual" and do include group members.

Until next time...

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